Spare Change and Big Bellies

Here's an easy way to get donations at your library. The "big belly banks", available from a variety of sources online, are a fun way for library visitors to donate their spare change.

Big Belly Banks for Library DonationsSchlow Centre Region Library in State College, PA, purchased three "banks". Originally intending to use the banks only during the annual fund drive, librarians discover that they had developed such a following, they could not be removed. The banks have averaged $116 a month in income, $1,400 annually. The original cost of each bank, purchased through a local toy store, was $40 each, and costs have been recovered many times over.

There have been no complaints about the banks from library customers. As one parent commented, "it's a fun way for my child to share a little of his allowance at his favorite place in town." Placing the banks on staffed desks works best (no thefts have been reported!). It's an easy, "passive" way to get a little extra income for your library.