A small wall area or empty space can be turned into a large-impact community resource that guarantees more visitors and revenues to your library. A few pointers:
- Rotating art on a monthly basis is a reasonable timeframe for the artist, visitors and your promotional schedule.
- Children's art brings smiles to visitors and the young artists' proud families to your door. It's a terrific and easy way to build relationships with schools.
- Contact your local art association for artists and help with display systems. A business can sponsor the art space by donating funds for the display systems. Wall and free-standing systems are available at Walker Display, Inc., Pro Panels andSystematic Art.
- Ask artists for a commission (5-15%) of any sales they make through their library display.
- Opening receptions are events that can be used to reward Friends members, volunteers and donors or to build awareness of library activities.
- Selecting artists can lead to disappointed and frustrated artists. Consider an application process requiring references and a small committee to help select the artists to avoid any potential biases.
- Remind artists to select works that are appropriate for a family setting.
Category: Libraries
Tags: community relations, fundraising, libraries