With student recruitment and retention as primary goals, The Ivy Group developed a branding, outreach, and communications program to optimize Central Virginia Community College’s (CVCC) presence in and influence on its primary marketplace.

Website for Eastern Shore Community College (ESCC)
The Ivy Group is pleased to announce the launch of es.vccs.edu, the newly designed website for Eastern Shore Community College located in Melfa, Virginia.

Website for Virginia Institute of Autism
After facilitating the rebranding of VIA, we are proud to announce the launch of its newly redesigned website: viaschool.org.

Usability Testing for Founders Online
Founders Online (founders.archives.gov) is an initiative to provide free public access to a massive digital compilation of the historical documents of the Founders of the …

Website for Mesalands Community College
Update: The Ivy Group is pleased to announce the launch of a new website for Mesalands Community College in Tucumcari, New Mexico.