Despite being leaders in addressing major contemporary challenges, the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice was declining in membership. To boost membership and re-energize its existing base, the association turned to The Ivy Group.
In a matter of months, the “American Orthopsychiatric Association” underwent a total makeover--while its mission is as strong and impassioned as it has ever been, the organization is now sporting a new name and contemporary brand identity that reflects its relevance to the world's most pressing issues.
The Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice was founded in 1923 as American Orthopsychiatric Association (AOA); the original name combines the prefix "ortho" (to straighten) with "psychiatry" (the mind). Though the word "orthopsychiatry" continues to describe the heart of its mission, Global Alliance was pressed to reflect a wider set of goals and expanded commitment to a just society. Leadership worked with The Ivy Group on a variety of name options, and, once settled on the new name, the Alliance came to The Ivy Group to complete the rebrand.
We didn’t know what to expect when bringing in an outside agency but Ivy Group made the rebranding process easy and enjoyable. Their leadership, counsel, and vision resulted in a brandmark that captures the essence of who we are.
Jill McLeigh, PhD, Co-Editor, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
A new look for a changing landscape

Challenged to increase membership and spread the word about the organization, Global Alliance wanted a fresh, new look to complement their new name: something edgy, but positive. The rebrand had to reflect the evolving social and political landscape as mental health takes a more central role in the public mindset. There was also a need for the redesign of collateral material, including a new cover for the organization's highly respected, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
A brand with a view
The new logo reflects the bold and cutting-edge personality of an organization that is not afraid to be progressive. The colors are emphatic and optimistic, reflecting Global Alliance's advocacy for the disenfranchised.
Ivy Group didn't just get to know our organization, they understood us. That deeper level of understanding translated into a new name and brandmark that exceeded our expectations for what a logo could be.
Robin Kimbrough-Melton, JD, Executive Officer

Partnering on the rollout and beyond
The Ivy Group outfitted Global Alliance with a new logo and creative applications, but our work didn't stop there. (After all, we are full-service!) Tasked with using both right- and left-brain strengths, we have worked with the Alliance on a brand rollout plan, social media presence, transitioning to a new website with an integrated association management system (MemberClicks), and more. The Alliance continues to value our insights and support and, since completing the rebrand, we facilitated two additional strategic planning sessions.

Coming together for action
Next, the Global Alliance launched its inaugural conference, "Coming Together for Action" in 2018. Co-hosted by the Colorado School of Public Health, the Conference drew practitioners, policymakers, and researchers from many disciplines.

The Conference celebrated a whole new generation of social workers, public health advocates, sociologists, and psychologists, some still completing graduate education, who
Our work, alongside Global Alliance's capable leadership, was to promote attendance with a full gamut of design, marketing, social media, and video production services.
Category: Brand Work, Integrated Work
Tags: design, integrated marketing, logos, nonprofits, strategic plan, training