Library card design for Ypsilanti District Library

Why Give a Public Library a Tagline?

Support advocacy efforts. It's no secret that over the past twenty-five years, public libraries, alongside schools and other services, have felt the pinch of straitened municipal …

SSL: What is it? And do I need it?

What is an SSL Certificate? An SSL certificate establishes a secure connection on your website that is more resistant to hackers. In a nutshell, it is …
Good Design Matters: The value of logos

Good Design Matters: Avoiding the $1 Logo Trap

Do you know what you have to lose by trying out those $1 sites?
Good Design Matters

Good Design Matters: The Basics

Have you ever been approached by an offer to design your website, flyer, or logo? Did you think “why pay someone else to do it when I can do it for free?”
high five between client and agency

Agency-Client Relationships

Put a ring on it: 4 tips for successful agency-client relationships Becoming the agency of record for a company can feel a lot like getting married. …
I Resolve sign

I Resolve To…

How are your New Year’s Resolutions going? Take a look at The Ivy Group’s I Resolve project! To kick off his resolution, senior graphic designer Stephen stepped …

Welcome Emily

This month, The Ivy Group welcomed Emily Burlingame to the team. We sat down with her to find out why. Your official title is Design & …

How to Avoid Sexism in Advertising

At one of my first jobs out of school, I was tasked with writing copy for a Super Bowl-themed date night promotion. The first lines …
LinkedIn for B2B Business Development

LinkedIn for B2B Business Development

LinkedIn offers an entire suite of features to make your job easier. It's the Facebook of the professional world and a business developer's dream. Follow …

What Does a Website Cost?

Website development costs are a matter of hours, determined by the complexity of the site's design and functionality. The website price depends on how long it will take our highly skilled designers and programmers to deliver a quality product that meets your (and your customers’) needs.

Only in Des Moines During a National Election

It’s political season and Greg Heid, Library Director, Des Moines (IA) Public Library recounts his primary experience to The Ivy Group.
Targeted Consumer Segmentation: too hard, too soft, just right.

Targeted Marketing: Find Your “Just Right” Audience

Successful marketing campaigns are built on a data-driven understanding of customers. By applying customer segmentation analysis to customer lists, business-to-consumer enterprises can better understand where they stand in the market, who to go after, and how to reach them.

And the Answer Is…

Planning is responding to challenges, changing market conditions, new technologies, etc. But long before the research review, the brainstorming and whiteboarding, crafting and drafting, did the planners ask the really tough questions?

Music is My Marketing Mistress

Creating original music for commercials is a service we offer exclusively to clients. Original music is a valuable tool in marketing and advertising. It is a great outlet for promotion and/or self-promotion (shameless or otherwise). What better way for people to remember you or your product than by having your riffs drift through their ears into their minds and hearts?

Don’t Let Your Website Become Just Another Statistic

Most problems with website and UX design can be caught with a minimal amount of testing, thus saving you time and money in the long run. Don’t let your website become just another statistic— invest in web testing to prevent costly fixes (and unhappy online visitors!) in the future.