Laptop screen over a custom car paint job

The Value of a Fully Custom Website

Web developers are really offering two different services. One configures a website from an off-the-shelf template. The other builds a fully-custom site. Here's why you should opt for fully-custom web development.
Scrabble letters spell Marketing buzzwords worth knowing

Marketing Buzzwords Worth Knowing

Buzzwords come and go and no one likes jargon, so we tend to use plain English whenever possible. But for those times when nothing but the popular marketing phrase will do, here’s how we define them.
Ivy Group brand on notepad

Ivy Group Welcomes A New Era With Rebrand

Growth is a guiding theme that influences everything we do for our clients, ourselves, and the communities we serve. The new Ivy icon symbolizes growth and the many pathways to achieve it, shown through both the solid shapes and the whitespace between.

Show Your Competence Not Your Age: Ivy Brand Evolution

Ready to rebrand? Need to redesign your website? We've been there ourselves...a few times. Let's take a jaunt down memory lane!
Countryside Organics Logo

Good Design Matters: What Makes a Good Logo?

A logo must communicate a great deal about an organization in the micro-second a consumer will give it. Talk about pressure! So, what makes a logo “good”?
Xacto Knife Blades

Good Design Matters: Bad Design Hurts

Good design produces brand recognition and loyalty. It can lead to sales and community integration. But what about bad design?
Personal photos and selfies vs professional business photography

Good Design Matters: The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Photographer

Custom, professional photographs are the foundation of good design. Without them, marketing is lifeless. Do yourself a favor: hire a professional photographer.
Ivy Group's logo leaf icon 3D printed

3D Printing (for Free) at Your Library

Several years ago, the idea of printing objects seemed extraordinary. Now, it’s more mainstream and available to the public, particularly through libraries. Curious to experience 3D printing firsthand, Ivy Group programmer Landon Dorrier popped over to a local Charlottesville library to get hands-on experience.
Good Design Matters: The value of logos

Good Design Matters: Avoiding the $1 Logo Trap

Do you know what you have to lose by trying out those $1 sites?
Good Design Matters

Good Design Matters: The Basics

Have you ever been approached by an offer to design your website, flyer, or logo? Did you think “why pay someone else to do it when I can do it for free?”

The Awesomeness of Print

Yes, okay, the web is swell and neat. But print? Print is awesome.

Get from Point A to Point B with a Brand Standards Guide

The most complete guides include valuable company information, such as mission, tagline, key messages, target audience(s), editorial style, proper and improper use of the logo and/or brandmark, color palette and font specifications.