Katie Falcone Leaves The Ivy Group for Marketing Position at Historic Site

Katie has accepted the position of Marketing, Communications & Events Manager at Ash Lawn-Highland, the home of President James Monroe. She was a valued employee for three years, and we will miss her.
WordPress CMS logo

Why We Moved from Mimik IMS to WordPress CMS

WordPress can be used to manage many types of websites, from small business ecommerce sites to blogs to large news media organizations. There is no one “cookie cutter” look for a WordPress website. For all these reasons and more, we love WordPress, and you will, too.

Going for the Award: To Apply or Not to Apply?

How do you decide which awards to “go for”? A thoughtful submission requires time on top of your established workload. The next time your boss passes an opportunity your way, ask yourself these essential questions before spending hours—yes, hours—filling out that application.

Are Focus Groups a Necessary Research Method?

We often receive inquiries about focus groups. In common use for many years in corporate America, their popularity has migrated into the non-profit sector. However, …

Web Design versus Web Programming

Like two Sumo wrestlers warily crouching and circling, website designers and programmers sometimes find themselves face to face ready to do battle. Sumo is said to be as much a mental as physical discipline--opponents have been known to stare at each other far longer than they actually wrestle. In the course of website development, so too have designers and programmers gone (figuratively) to the mat.

Why and When Bounce Rate Really Matters

A website's bounce rate is, by Google's definition, "the percentage of single-page visits," i.e., a user visits one page and then leaves the site. It is a great metric for measuring user interaction and the efficiency of on-site architecture.

In-Flight Safety Videos: The Perfect Marketing Tool

While the majority of in-flight safety videos still classify as boring, a recent trend has emerged. Since 2008, airlines have begun taking a creative approach to delivering in-flight safety instructions.

The Ivy Group is Thankful…

We aren’t thankful for just the turkey. The Ivy Group is thankful to have been in business for 25 years.

Marketers, Put on Your Thinking Caps: A Imaginative Approach to Understanding Target Audiences

How do you analyze, rationalize, visualize? Even though we are products of a shared culture, the way we think is completely our own—uniquely shaped by our personal experiences.

Apostrophes Ain’t Got No Respect

Forget mangled contractions. Put aside rules that pertain to arcane usages. Let’s keep the conversation simple, as in possessives. The rules for apostrophes as possessives are simple. An apostrophe points to an owner, whether single or plural. Think of an apostrophe as an arrow literally pointing to the owner.

It’s Always a Good Idea to Keep the Campaign Fresh

We’re having a lot of fun with the campaign “It’s Always a Good Idea.” Thus far, we’ve rolled out a few different scenarios to keep the campaign fresh.

Facebook Says Hello to Hashtags!

When Twitter first got our attention, we became obsessed with hashtags, even speaking in them! Now, in their “maturity," hashtags have come into their own: even the Facebook behemoth is coming to realize their potential. But do they work on Facebook?
Polar Express Library Event

All Aboard the Polar Express

It may be March, but it's never too early to start planning for the holidays! Schlow Centre Region Library in State College, Pa. has partnered with …

Behind the Scenes: Vision. Strategy. Growth.

Participating in the video production process was a new experience for most of us Ivy Groupies, we had asked them, “What was your experience like?”

Love Your Library Month

February is Love Your Library Month! How can you show your love for your local public library? You could… Write a library love letter to the editor of …