Bobby Pearson Presents at Responsive Web Design Summit 04.03.14 Ivy Group programmer Bobby Pearson presented at the 3rd annual responsive web design online conference, RWD Summit 2014. His presentation, Optimization Techniques and Strategies, aired live on April 1, 2014 at 2pm EST.
Katie Falcone Leaves The Ivy Group for Marketing Position at Historic Site 03.10.14 Katie has accepted the position of Marketing, Communications & Events Manager at Ash Lawn-Highland, the home of President James Monroe. She was a valued employee for three years, and we will miss her.
The Ivy Group is Thankful… 11.27.13 We aren’t thankful for just the turkey. The Ivy Group is thankful to have been in business for 25 years.
Behind the Scenes: Vision. Strategy. Growth. 03.04.13 Participating in the video production process was a new experience for most of us Ivy Groupies, we had asked them, “What was your experience like?”
Celebrating XXV 01.30.13 The Ivy Group turns 25 this year; read about our journey! To celebrate we collected some words of advice from our team members. Anybody can use …
The Ivy Group Turns 25 01.01.13 A strong, women-owned business. Twenty-five years ago, at a time when women-owned businesses were few and far between, the friends decided to go into business together--from …
Jolly Holly! Photo Blog of The Ivy Group’s 2012 Holiday Party 12.04.12 One of the great things about The Ivy Group is that we are a small company. So, when we have a holiday party, it is not your typical buttoned-up, after-hours, stuffy office obligation.
Ivy Group Programmer’s Side-Project “Foodio” Makes Headlines 11.01.12 A mobile app developed by our very own programmer Nabil Ahmed was featured on an NBC 29 news segment last Saturday and has received attention …
Spring Cleaning At The Office 05.03.12 Nothing can be more spring-like than cleaning out files. It also becomes a trip down memory lane. Here’s a sampling of what I found.
Community Involvement Is Not A “Trivial Pursuit” 04.20.12 Last week, three of us from The Ivy Group participated in a local trivia competition and fundraiser, Wordplay, to benefit Literacy Volunteers of Charlottesville.
Top 500 Emerging Businesses 01.29.09 The Ivy Group, Ltd. has been selected as one of the Top 500 Emerging Businesses in the United States by Over 650,000 businesses were …